So I've been pleased with what I have shot for advanced thus far. It's been controlled, studio work that has cam out well enough.
Until now. Enter the single flash and back out on the street so to speak. I've shot weddings, I've shot portraits, and never have I had so little success using the flash. I shot at a variety of locations, and mostly ended up with hideous shadows because I constantly have the flash somewhere it doesn't belong. I couldn't seem to get my bounce flash working well either. Ceilings too high or walls too dark, lets just say this was a rather humiliating week of photo work.
Among the only half-descent pictures I got was shooting at one of the local Halloween shops. I love fall, and I love Halloween. It's just fun. So I shot. Mostly failed. But this is what I turned in.
Direct Flash:
Bounce Flash (with some light from a fill card):
And Lighting Diagram:
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